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Thank you

I've managed to knock up 1 external and 1 internal Barn Owl nest boxes today. This was only made possible because of the kind donation of material and money. I do intend to make another 9 external Barn Owl nest boxes over the coming weeks along with as many internal boxes as materials allow.

At some point I am going to approach the farmers cattle market at Raglan and ask if I could set up a stall on market day. I intend to take some nest boxes along with information on my projects aims and hopefully get more farmers on board. I really do need more farmers to help with my conservation efforts.

If there is a sign maker or graphic designer who would kindly help me out with a project nest box sign or banner I would be extremely grateful. I'd also like to say a huge diolch yn fawr iawn to all those lovely people who have helped me out with either volunteering or donating materials and money. I am really grateful there are so many kind people local to my project. My conservation project is still ongoing and I am still collecting materials and receiving donations so please share this post where ever you can

Diolch yn fawr iawn

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